Daniella... Oh, Daniella... Ne vois-tu donc pas, cette ombre dans le miroir ? Oh, Daniella... Ton âme ne se reflette pas...
Alice, oh, Alice... Ton coeur si pur me répugne, qui donc oserait aimer une si frêle fleur fânée ? Alice, oh, Alice... bientôt, ton heure va sonner...
Au détour d'une rue, un démon et un ange se rencontrent, et se retrouvent liés dans une mystèrieuse affaire... Mais qui est-donc cet homme à la cape blanche qui les observe ? Et pourquoi d'étranges tatouages apparaissent sur le corps des deux jeunes filles ?
Ari and Soren's adventures continue as Soren struggles with his new vampiric urges and a coven of witches attempts to recruit Ari for their own ends.
As dark dreams plague Soren, Ari finds his new abilities difficult to control. Something is awakening within him, and as his power grows, he attracts the attention of a group of witches who call themselves the Hecataeon. They believe Ari is an emanation of the goddess Hecate - a physical manifestation of her power - and they want that power for themselves. With their relationship facing challenges from within, Ari and Soren must find a way to unite their strengths before external forces tear them apart.
NOTE: This book is the sequel to Bound by Blood.
Content Warning: Light violence, language, and sexuality. PG-13
Cover designed by Adam Budny