My body is on fire
from the inside out.
There's nothing that helps,
and I just wanna shout!
The pain is so intense,
and the fire feels so real.
I am just left here
to cope with it and deal.
I want to use ice
because the pain burns so hot.
But ice makes it worse,
so use ice I cannot!
So I tried a fan
using a cool gentle breeze,
but that remedy caused more pain,
can you even believe?
My docs prescribe meds
and help me they do not.
The pain is still there,
and it burns so hot!
Why must I suffer
and be in such pain?
Where are my friends,
there's few who remain.
I am so abnormal,
and it's hard to live this way.
I wish for a normal life,
and a freaking pain-free day.
I took much for granted,
back when I was normal.
I reminisce about my life back then,
when I felt I was immortal.
But this disease has opened my eyes
to the horrors it inflicts,
I just want some relief from the pain,
and to not feel so imperfect.
Why must I suffer?
Why must I pray?
The depression, pain and anxiety,
rules me each and every day.
This life long disease,
for which there is no cure.
A slight chance of remission,
but for most that's so obscure.
Even now typing this,
my pain is so intense.
I want to cry and just give up,
but writing is my defense.
It's through my words I battle
this disease called RSD.
It might have me it's it grasp,
but it won't get all of me!
My mind is a place
where this disease wishes to go,
so I use my words as weapons,
when my pain reaches it's plateau.
And to the burning pain,
a pain that is so hot.
RSD might want to control my body,
but have my mind it will not!
To all you pain warriors,
who also face this burden,
I pray for you all
of that you can be certain!