What if Krillin would've killed Vegeta at the beginning of DBZ? If Vegeta would've have died there, then the fight against Frieza would have been a little bit harder. It wouldn't really make such a drastic change, until the Android and Cell sagas. The Androids would have probably caused more casualties and destruction. Then Cell may have killed teen Gohan, because in the series Vegeta broke Cell's focus by hitting him in the back with a big bang attack. Although another character could've taking his place, such as Piccolo. But the Buu saga would have been altered the most, Goku would have had to use the Potara earnings with someone else(hopefully Pikkon). He would have most likely settled for Piccolo, to join together with. Goten would have been screwed against buu though, due to the fact that he couldn't have fused(due to Trunks not existing). Goku's Potara fusion(Picku?Piccu?) would have been weaker than Vegito, but Buu would also have been weaker not absorbing Piccolo and Gotenks(Trunks didn't exist). Goku and Piccolo would've ended up inside Buu still, but would've only had to fight Gohan and Super Buu. Buu's mystic powers would've still stopped the Potara fusion, but unlike Vegeta, Piccolo would've been willing and agreed to do the fusion dance inside of Buu with Goku. They would've rescued Gohan from Buu, and all made it out. That would take an estimated 15 min. Then Goku would have used the last 15 min of fusion to beat the heck out of Buu, until fusion wears off. Then Goku would've went super saiyan 3 and began charging up his Super Kamehameha. Piccolo would have probably used Hellzone Grenade to blow Buu to bits. Buu would put himself back together and Goku would've finished making his strongest Super Kamehameha ever. Next Piccolo would've moved out of the way and let Goku launch then attack which would put an end to Kid Buu's miserable existence. Bulma and Yamcha would've most likely ended up getting married, and having kids, at least one kid.
17 ans, marocaine et turc, Zayira.. une fille complètement perdu sur sa vie, va bientôt être mise à la rue.
Elle va faire la rencontre d'un groupe qui va changer sa vie à jamais..