im a 14 year old girl with hot long blonde hair and big "gumdrops" (haha kawaiiiiii desu?) my abusive, drug addicted, lesbian mom slams open my door and starts packing my bags. i say "mom what u doin" she ignores me and keeps going "WHAT U DOIN" i yell more. she answers. "packing you up for them" "for who" "your new owners." this is the story of how one direction and 5 seconds of summer bought me. i maked out with harry the msot and the first and then i was liek "ur my dad now lol!" anDd then he said "i know loca but ur 2 hot for me 2 be ur dad" and then he stripped me and banged my butthole so hard i pooperd all over his dinger but he found it hot and still splooged. i cried though and ran away but ran back to one direction and 5sos and then we all had sex. they said "loca we cant afford u u need 2 find a job" this is the story of how one direction and 5sos made me their prostitute. being a prostitute was fun butt i got some disesaes witch burnt. i said "i dont wann b a full tiume prostitute anymore" and they said k but only if i became theyre stripper for there club and so i said yes because i could show my body without gfetting diseses. when i was being a stripperer i met a man who caald himself chicken who was ther with his son fil. we made out a lot then we banged and i got pregnnt 2 weeks later when we touchde hands and the semen left over on his hands seeped in2 my hands. this is how i became pregnant with chikens kid. i cried and told him and he said "ok fil wil hav a brothr or sistr and well support it." a month later i had a kid and her name was boo. boo me n chiken now live hapy together and one direction and 5sos visit us daily and we all bang when the kids r sleeping. the end.All Rights Reserved