A teenage girl named Roxie is madly in love with a bad boy named Andrew. They both go to the same school (Pine High) When she tries to get close to Andrew she finds herself in a all-boy tech group. She then starts to notice that Andrew isn't the only boy she loves. When a new girl joins the club, all the boys start to pay attention her except five. But the five that are left weren't very interested in girls even though they were some of the cutest guys in school. Roxie starts to get insanely jeolous of this new girl taking all the attention away. When Andrew starts to hit on this new girl Roxie realized Andrew wouldn't love such a pathetic piece of trash like her. Roxie, trying to overcome all the obstacles that have gotten in her way, still knows she loves Andrew. What she didn't know is that the five boys that were left have started to take a interest in her.