*SPIN OFF OF FATE IS WRONG* *don't need to read it to understand* "Yeah,mom it's true I'm 'that girl', the one that cuts herself because she can't deal with her problems emotionally."I shouted tears falling from my eyes. That's,well that's just Kara Hollows,the crazy emotionally unstable bitch in the school that's not afraid to show you where you belong .Not in her business that's for sure! The teasing however just gets worse when the hispanic dick Josh Barreś joins her school and starts bullying her with Chad Mason.But Kara won't take there bull shit and if you add a James Cullens to the equation things might just get better. Especially if you wanted to know how James used to be the bully but now he wouldn't mind getting suspended for a smile from Kara Hollows.Tous Droits Réservés