on the ninth of may I am in the rooms getting my footy gear on to vs. Eastlake red at 9;15am
the whistle goes we all go onto the field and get into our positions the game starts we get the ball and score the first goal of the session and in the first. 10 minutes gone 5 left in first courter score in 34 to 12 that's end of the first courter the start of the second courter starts I am put in the forward line the ball gets thrown up in the middle our team won the rouge five minutes in 50 to 20 ten minutes in 56 to 40 five minutes left its still the same score the siren goes star of the third courter in put on the left wing five minutes a kid went to kick it and I nock him of the ball and my wrist went crack I look down and I thought its broken and its was fractured and now I am out for two weeks the end