So what happens when you mix Indian parents and a diverse country? You get a deranged daughter. Okay, maybe I'm not deranged, but apparently I do appear as one in my parents' eyes.
Here's the 101 on my life so far: You move out from the only home you knew into a completely different country with people talking in spectacular accents you wish to have. You love hockey, but can't find any rinks near town. You make some friends, but find out they're infatuated with the hit boy band you absolutely and utterly hate. And then you have the morbid parents who only seem to accept you when achieving high marks in the academics.
I've got one hell of a life, but I heard I only have half the package of what normal brown parents sprout onto their children. Uh, I think a shiver ran down my spine. How can it get any more worse than my mom and dad?
So what do you expect me to do, when my faith in the Toronto Maple Leafs go down the drain, and I'm forced to attend this meet and greet with the band I absolutely despise, nonetheless, One Direction.
In a turn of events, I'm dating someone, maybe even falling in love. Did I mention the 'No Boys Allowed' rule? Yeah well, there's no dating in this household either. So I did some serious deception. However, it makes me wonder if I rather love and be loved by my boyfriend or win the approval of my parents.
By the way, I'm Jessa Surtha and I'm in for one hell of a ride.