A shonen manga series written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki. Fifteen year old Oz Vessalius's coming-of-age ceremony takes a dark turn as he is cast into the "Abyss" and is saved by Alice. In the series he starts to discover Alice's background, his past, and the Pandora organization.
Note: This is sort of like turning a manga into a book with all words and no illustrations. The story, characters, cover pictures, and anything that I write about Pandora Hearts are not mine, they Jun Mochizuki's and Yen Press's. I'm not claiming her story, I am merely trying to work on my writing skills and to let people who don't have access to manga be able to still know what the story is. It is in the fanfic category, but I try to stick to the original author's work as much as possible. I hope you enjoy! ^_^