" Maybe we're afraid to love because we're afraid of not being loved back "
I live by that quote , it describes my life so much. From abandonment in childhood to heartbreak in adult hood, I still live my life everyday regardless of what I'm going through, I'm a single mom without a job and a house but I still love myself and my beautiful daughter , Amani. Even though I'm going through a lot I believe things well get better. Things changed once I met this guy, I didn't know at the time but he would be the person to turn my life upside down. I fell in love with him only to find out he didn't love me back , he was just using me for ....Read to find out.
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×knihu som vytvorila dávno a moje staršie-terajšie ja zjavne prešlo do fáze 'sarcastic depressed bitch s náladou rozdávať úsmevy' tak ak niekomu príde divné, že teraz na veľmi smutné citáty do komentárov odpisujem pozitívne veci, už som staršia a môj pohľad na svet sa zmenil×