In the world of Topsy Turvy everything is upside down A winks a nod, a yes is a no and even a smile is a frown. So with opposites a plenty and some real strange goings on I ask you all to brace yourselves before we carry on. The animals that you'll witness may at first not seem so weird But wait til you meet The Frankie Dehorsey or The Goat that's lost his beard. Each story that is featured is sure to make you cry Or laugh or shout or smile and gasp and you may not know quite why. So lets begin our tour together on what will be an incredible journey In the land that is, Topsy Turvy Animal Worldy. I will be adding more parts throughout the coming weeks. I would love to hear your comments as it will help me develop as a writer and you may even have an animal that you may want me to write about. Thank you for taking the time out to read my work and I do hope you enjoy it. Happy reading!!!All Rights Reserved