Once there were busses whom travelers horsed around in. Delphine ran into the Cadee bus with full force. Bus-Bus killed Delphine after a horsey kicked, climbed, and clawed her until she yelped and kicked a bear. Campbell tackled the chicken and made soup. Campbell cooked the bear; And Delphine ate the bear. Cadee and Delphine then ate tree bark. They were hippies you see. In 1950 One Hundred, Campbell turned 81. Campbell was also known as Bimbo Baggins. And there was much rejoicing. To celebrate, he cooked a bacon raw. At the ancient age of 81, Campbell traveled far away from Delphine. Delphine chased him down and ate him raw. And there was much rejoicing. Things took a strange twist as Campbell ripped his way out of her stomach and ate his Daddy. Delphine, witnessing this, fell down dead and became a demon. Then Makayla asked Jud, "Where is Delphine?". ...... BEHIND YOU ...... Makayla never slept again. Campbell fell into the water with his mouth open. He drank the entire lake. Many fish died. And there was much rejoicing. Campbell ate chicken butt-butt. The remaining healthy chickens, formed a mob and attacked Campbell. Campbell became a Spiderman cowboy and lived happily ever after. All the evil was vanquished except for the Delphine demoness that terrorized the entire world for many moons to come..... To be continued....All Rights Reserved