Alice and Maarco
Long lost lovers with a 7 month coma and long-termed depression in between. Amnesia filled fights and love-struck confusion.
Maarco struggles to pick up the pieces of their love that has been left behind but soon finds out that it is not a job that can be done by himself.
She squints her eyes at him. "What's the matter? Do I know you?"
"It's not a matter of knowing, it's the matter of remembering." He suddenly finds the white washed out floor interesting.
"I-I don't seem to recall you're face... Nor your name." Her head tilts to the right ever so slightly.
Maarco moves in slowly, like a cheetah ready for the kill, only to be stopped by her cowering a bit under the covers. He halts abruptly, shuffling through his pack, pulling out a plain black hoodie. He clutches it in his hands, not wanting to let go, yet still handing it over to her. "Here...this is yours."
Her small hand reaches out to grab it by the hood, and by the way she hugs it to her body, she seems to recollect that it is of her belonging. "Alice?" His accent is strong, although it is filled with unsureness.
She speaks up so suddenly that Maarco stumbles back a bit, "I seem...there's something somewhat familiar about you. But...I don't know what. It's like I-," she pauses, "It's like I know that I remember you..." Her eyes connect with his and he seems to hold her in a trance. Something takes grasp of her, syllables and sentences are roaming about in her head, and words come flying out of her mouth, "If you self harm, you are one of the strongest people I know."
"You have me at a loss for words..."