And it was in my mind that I got lost in the fear and feet getting caught-while running from anger- in the roots of loneliness. My lungs crushed by the gigantic and strong hands of sadness. At last the grip of sadness leaving me hoping that I could die, that I could end the pain, that I could end the suffering. So I cut, so I cut to forget the cold dark emptiness inside of me. The pain snapping me back to reality, and numbing the growing nothingness that threatened my existence. But soon, I feared, the numbing of that red line, would subside. What a horrible way to torture someone. I wished I was dead, though I had died, for I am not living if I am kneeling down and kissing the feet of death and begging for death to end this pain. Death seems to laugh in my face and kill off more of the people I love, yet leaving me alone. I cannot trust, I cannot love, I cannot escape the horrible prison that is my mind.All Rights Reserved
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