Most xenomorph hives consist of female members. However, every so often, a male is hatched, squealing and shrieking from its living carrier. Dal-shrakka is one of these males. Tall, proud, and overbearing. A giant among the smaller females. But he is different. They all could sense it. When he molted into an adult xeno, a strange mark was discovered on his head. This would have no meaning to him, until an onslaught of xenomorphs coming from a realm of shadows, where all extraterrestrial life goes to die, attacks any earthly xeno they can find... Bearing the same mark of Dal-shrakka.
Nixie sitt liv er mer eller mindre under kontroll, hun har fått seg jobb og leilighet, men hva skjer når hun faller for sin aller beste venn?
(Fortsettelse på To The Last Rose Dies, første bok må leses først!)