This is a the Vampire Diaries adaptation set in Mystic Falls, hence the title. The story is a collaboration between @natasjahinsen/@heffronbabe (= Sun) and @wolfofbakerstreet (= Luna) It's a story about two sisters with completely opposite characteristics. Sun is a spontaneous blonde bad girl with a tough exterior, but a caring interior. She is the older one by a year and overprotective of her younger sister Luna who is a shy brunette artsy girl who always manages to see the good in people. They were born in Mystic Falls, but when they were sixteen and fifteen years old they moved to Tampa with their parents. Three years later now nineteen and eighteen years old they moved back to Mystic Falls, due to a tragic house fire in which both of their parents died. Ready for a clean slate they are more than ready to start a new life. You follow them along their journey.All Rights Reserved