Their is always a crazy person in a good story. But what is the crazy persons story? Zena(zee-na) Serra(see-air-a) grew up as a fairly normal kid in Gilamore, until one day she goes missing. When she is found ten days latter she has 'night mares' and start acting out of charicter. After several episodes her parents put her in a correctional facility where after only a few days she gets rejected and put into an insane asylum called Borgan Toal. Her mother cant bare the wieght of having her child go insane and commits suicide. Zena fore sees this, runs away from the asylum and takes refuge in the Southern Forest. Mean while back in Gilamore Prince Thomasine is sent on a quest of passage into adult hood to find the lost ring(rins name), his great- great- great-great- grandmother had had it forged from a crystal taken from the stream of Silvereque(silver-esk). it said that it has magical powers.All Rights Reserved