Hey, Guys, this is the first book My friend and I are writing and collaborating on. I hope you enjoy. In our minds, high school was suppose to be the best years of your life. But, once you get there, oh man. Weren't you wrong? Summer before freshman year, some of the people we once considered our best friends, and loves, betrayed us for the cliche "popular group" that exists at Cardinal Valley High. Although, it's now Junior year, and we've found our own little clique that we wouldn't trade for the world. Don't get me wrong, high school is chill aside from all the work. The only real problems we have is always out of that "popular group." Ugh, they make me want to gag. These last two years of high school need to count, if they don't then what are we gonna tell our grandkids? Something we plan on avoiding; drama. But seriously, who are we kidding? It's high school, drama we always be around; but will it pull everything together at last?