In a world where humans reside peacefully, among the people just like them, there lays an underground city. A city that no human's heard of. A city that no human has ever discovered. A city of the different creatures who have the ability to change their physical form according to their will. A city of shapeshifters. What the humans do know is that these beings exist. And, the shapeshifter's destruction is one of the main priorities of the mankind today. To accomplish their mission, a special agency which is named 'SM' for Super Mortals, is giving their best to captivate shapeshifters and put an end to them. When a certain agent 'Suho' and his accomplice 'Agent Tao', come across the underworld through the inhumane powers that his cousin Kyungsoo possesses, they are thrown into the world of the shapeshifters. What follows next is a series of mess which includes battle scars, revelation of many secrets and a forbidden affection called love. [A BaekYeol centric story]All Rights Reserved
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