During the third night of her swim across the Atlantic, Jan opened her eyes to the sky’s infinite largesse and power, floating on what felt like a liquid astral mirror.
She woke to the faint splash of fingers breaking water, and turned to notice someone swimming towards her. The figure was featureless; blue skin pulled over a smoothly bald, earless head, with blank eye sockets, a nostril-less nose, and a padded mouth.
The figure grabbed Jan’s bicep, and she could feel it pressing female breasts without nipples against her. It continued its curious assault on her body, running fingers along her back, waste, and inside her vaginal orifice.
A strange paralysis overtook Jan as the figure pulled her toward a remote island of green sand. The figure stood tall before her, and Jan could feel her skin pulling, breaking, ripping off.
Her face, lips, eyes and mouth were being sucked onto this stranger’s body, pasted haphazardly like a Picasso of living death. The figure strutted proudly in its new flesh costume, beeping and purring, swaying its hips side to side. At the water’s edge, it caught a glimpse of its skewed, crooked face. Happiness turned to dejected groans, then screams in a thousand voices.
It shrugged off the stolen parts and marched over to Jan’s raw body, pulling her limbs off one at a time. The Skin Thief of the Atlantic showered itself in blood that poured generously from Jan’s quadriplegic corpse, ingesting every drop through its pores.
After a mysterious vehicle runs them off the road, Alex and his bandmates must fight for their lives to escape a vicious pack of wolves who bear unsettling similarities to the other band they are touring with.
Alex is the lead singer of the up-and-coming rock band Make Them Scream. Despite the fact that the insomnia he's fought with since he was a teenager has been worsening, the band have found themselves in the express lane to stardom. But, when a mysterious vehicle knocks their tour bus off the road in the middle of upstate Montana, the bandmates are left stranded with no cell service. When poor decisions lead them toward the dark woods, things go from bad to worse. If the elements don't get them first, their own demons might devour them alive. Some monsters only come out in the dark, and some reality is scarier than nightmares.
Content Warning: This story contains mature language, violence, gore and reference to alcohol and drug use.