Now this is a story all about how Harry Styles 10 years old in this gets kidnapped and put into age play by 5 Seconds Of Summer for a whole year not coming out of his 6 month old head space since he was taken and grows attached to the boys only to get taken back by 1D only for Harry to not trust them at all and continuously cry for his daddies growing very sick so they return him to his daddies who take care of him and then Luke's brothers show up and then they frame Harry and Luke puts him in time out while Harry tries to continuously explain only for Luke to hit him making Harry cry hysterically memories of his parents hitting him resurfacing so Luke makes it up to him and then while at rehearsal Harry gets separated and lost by fans so he starts crying then Louis finds him and returns him to the boys and then admits he wants to do age play as well so the boys and Harry agree so Louis becomes Harry's over protective big brother and then he and Harry get in a fight so Louis hits Harry making him start crying so Louis tries to apologize only for Harry to continue crying in Luke's arms then what happens when 1D show up to try and steal Louis and Harry back what will Louis and the boys do to protect themselves and Harry from the enemy. Stay tuned.All Rights Reserved