The meaning of love To me, the meaning of love is I guess love is when you care about someone so much you’ll accept any decision they make and still love them. Love is not caring about pants sizes or the amount of foundation on their face. Or what type of music they’re into or their social status. Love is just looking into someone’s eyes and seeing your lives together as one with a family and happiness. To pick up someone when they’ve fallen. To love all flaws. To accept mistakes that happen . And to always support them in any decision they feel is best them or you. Love is to always want to better that person in any way possible. Love is using all your power and might to eliminate all the bad and evil in their lives and always make it positive and happy. Love is not just saying “I love you” every single moment just because of any little lovey dubey moment you might have or sending a bouquet of flowers to their door with a cheesy love note attached to it. Love is when you can feel that other person in your mind and all thoughts blank out and all you feel is pure bliss. Just the thought of that other person makes your stomach clench in knots and have it swarmed by butterflies. Looking at that person no matter how many times you’ve looked at them, and each of every day they look more breath taking then the one before. It’s the feeling of the world stopping and it’s only the two or you when you stare deeply into each other’s eyes. The warm feeling of laying in each other’s arms and you’ve become one. When you can feel the tattoo gun slowly draw that persons name on your heart, because you know that they’re yours forever and ever.. N.m.MAll Rights Reserved