Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles are both 17 and in their 2nd semester of their senior year. They went into foster care at 7, after they were in a plane crash going on a summer vacation & watched their parents die. They got emancipated at 16. They own their own home. They worked so hard in school, that they skipped 10th grade. They are shy around everyone except each other, and get picked on for it. The reason is b/c they're afraid if they get close to anyone else, they'll leave too. They're both in love with each other and are not ashamed to display their love. They get picked on about it, but they don't care. They just ignore the comments and murmurs when they walk by. As long as they have each other, they won't let anything separate them. They sit at the back of every class, take notes and listen to the teacher. At lunch, they sit at a table by themselves. They both have secrets that only they know. You'll find out what they are. There will be a shock in the beginning. Someone finds out that they're not from who they thought they were and it tears them up inside. Maura has a 9 1/2 inch penis. Read to see who it is and what happens. Pics of the home will be scattered throughout the story.
I own no rights to the characters names. This is fanfic
Sexual content, triggers of suicide
Jane Rizzoli only has a few weeks of school left and needs help.. she has no trust... can Dr Maura Isles help save her before it's too late