Module 1: NCDA Overview ● Identify the skills and knowledge that NetApp Certified Data Management Administrator (NCDA) certification verifies ● Describe the benefits of certification ● Explain the key concepts of Data ONTAP operating in 7-mode Module 2: NFS Overview ● Define NFS ● Differentiate between NFS protocol versions ● Recognize the differences between stateless and stateful protocols ● Describe how the storage system acts as an NFS file server ● List the requirements of NFSModule 3: NFS Setup ● Configure NFS on a NetApp® storage system ● Configure a storage system to perform IP to host-name resolution ● Add Network Information Server (NIS) to manage users, groups, and name-to-IP resolution ● Configure a storage system to centrally manage users and groups ● Configure PC-NFS and WebNFS environments to extend the reach of NFSAll Rights Reserved