Beth Kishimoto is the infamous daughter of Kishimoto Masashi. AKA-the man who made the Naruto world. The world doesn't even know that he has a daughter. She's just a 13 year old girl who just helps her father with making and perfecting the Naruto world. But...when she goes to one of her father's conventions to be introduced to the world who she really is,right before she goes out,she notices something horrible about to happen,so,she went to tell her father but...she never got to.
(ATTEION:I was trying to put another character in the story, wouldn't show up,so,I shall list it now. There is Team Hell-Sing,it is made up of Heather Uchiuha {17} [Girl] (sorry if I did spelled wrong),Elizabeth Nara {9} [Girl],Liru Namikaze {11} [Boy],Leo Yuki {14} [Girl],Sara Harnuo {13} [Girl] (sorry if spelled wrong),Ina Hatke [Girl] (sorry if spelled wrong),Neven Sarutobi {12} [Boy],and Gaven Inzuka {12} [Boy].)