Two girls, best friends, find themselves on an adventure, sure to create bumps in their lives. Lilibeth Bloom, and Melody Anderson, find out that Greek Gods, are real. And that they're related to them. Once they find themselves at Camp Half-Blood, they're chosen to participate in a quest. Putting aside confusion, emotions, and the feeling that everything isn't that normal in the world right now, they set off on the adventure of a life time. Will they fail, and perish under they hand of a mighty foe? Or will they complete successfully, and walk off as Half-Blood Heroes?
After the war, Percy, Annabeth and the other Seven come back to camp half-blood and try to 'create something permanent'. This story follow's sophia's point of view as she bonds with the Seven while journeying across North America. When she is put in new situations and given opportunities to prove herself to the rest of camp, how will she react?