Yep, this isn't a spin off, or a sequel. It's the real deal, and it's BACK! With a few minor changes, I am now able to present my adoring *scoffs* fans with a brand new version of BUDDIES! This will be updated regularly, and let me know if you have any ideas, or if anything else needs changing. Kay, bye, read the blurb, now!
So, there are these friends- uh, I mean buddies- and they are super close. But, life isn't always a fairy tale, and these girls' problems are really real. With boyfriends, to breakups, to fall outs and makeups, can a trip to Paris bring these buddies back to where they once were, or will it just create more chaos?
-YAY! Funky new cover, d'you like it? I thought it looked a little more girly and teenagery than before...what do you guys think? ( that a word?) Any who, I will update this one soon, I promise, since the last chapter was a shortie...okaaay, read on, beaches, and have a nice day!-
I laugh as I walk down to the shore, holding the heels of my shoes as I walk far enough for the cool water to rush around my ankles. It's funny how life works out. I never pictured myself to be the girl outside the party, thinking about my life choices while I am half drunk but I guess kissing the school's bad boy does that to you.
I wonder where I would be if I never met Cleo. If I never became her friend. Would I still have no friends? Would still be playing soccer? Would I have rebelled?
I probably would still be drunk right now, I think to myself, and laugh bitterly, but get rudely interrupted.
"Put your hands up, you are under arrest." I hear, spinning around and almost falling into the lake, but I save myself and there I see the flashing lights of the police, and a nice one holding cuffs, looking straight at me. Well this isn't good.
Quinn and Cleo are the best of friends. They do everything together, from sports to parties, to having a weekly girls night only for the two of them. They rule the school, but like any friendship, one is always has more power than the other, and that being Cleo. She made Quinn the girl she is today, because without her Quinn would be the bad girl that her attitude and personality was leading her to be. Cleo saved Quinn from herself.
But after one fateful party Quinn learns that friendship always has an end game, and the one between her and Cleo is not yet over.