This story is a story of a girl named Rain. She lives in a planet called Replicon. A land that is filled with powerful Replicons such as Archangels, Demons, vampires and many more. Rain goes through trials to save her world. By saving a book in order to keep remembrance of her generation so that when all is swept away, The new generation can read and hopefully not make the same mistake that caused total destruction to Replicon. Rain does this by sending this book to a girl named Jessica who lives in Planet 90% known as Earth. Can Rain and Jessica protect this book before the last of Their generation? ..Will they fail? If she fails..will this book she passes to Jessica give them hope? Is this book given to the right hands...? Read and see there trials! And how this..hopefully a memorable book Closes to an End. "A TALE AS OLD AS TIME" Written by @KITTYsPIGGY on WattPadAll Rights Reserved