23 parts Complete In the year 2034, the long and endless debate about whether or not life exists outside Earth's atmosphere is ended. The Stelka, an alien race with one soul purpose, invades Earth and places the planet under an occupation. The planet will only be freed from their rule once Humanity passes or fails their tests. If they pass with flying colors, they will be set free and introduced to the vast universe outside the Milky Way.
If they fail, the Stelka choose the fate for all of Humanity. Governing under Stelka rule, slavery, or complete annihilation. Only the results of the tests will tell the fate of Humanity.
One organization of Earth refuses to leave the results of these tests up to chance, and will do everything they can to pass.
Even if that means bending to the will of the Stelka.
*Mature rating for gore, violence, and disturbing descriptions*