Plagued by writer's block due to an unexpected tragedy, Becca Stevens is desperate to find her motivation once again. Her efforts to pick up the pieces of her life lead her to a Marianas Trench Concert, where she gets the chance to meet the band, is presented a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity, and even scores one of their numbers out of it. Too bad not all of the band members are thrilled with her presence...
High off the success of their Masterpiece Theater album, Josh Ramsay feels the pressure placed upon him and the other members of the band to begin producing a new album. Just as he is about to give in to the never ending writer's block, a pretty but secretive young adult fiction writer catches the attention of a bandmate and becomes a permanent staple in their daily lives. Wary of her intentions and confused by the emotions she brings out in him, Josh is finally able to dive back into the music world, pushing her out of his mind.
And, more specifically, his heart.
What if Taylor Swift was never discovered at the Blue Bird café? What if she had somehow wound up in Vancouver, and became best friends with Josh Ramsay, the lead singer of Marianas trench. When fame finally engulfs Taylor, Josh will need to pull her out before she hits rock bottom. What if Josh had to risk reliving his darkest days, in order to help out a friend? Could he do it?