My brother Carl has autism and I’m going to uncover it all. It is an unspoken rule to only talk highly about the disabled, because they are special gifts from god. For anyone who has a sibling with autism, I am writing this book for you. These special gifts from God aren’t always everything they are described. They make a great story for college application, but beyond that they don’t exist. I didn’t ask for this life, I was given this life. I wouldn’t change it for anything, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard. I’m not writing this book so people pity me, I am writing this book, because there are non out there. I looked high and low for a book to help me get through the suffering that comes from having an autistic brother. I needed reassurance that my feelings don’t make me the worst sister in the world. I needed someone that wasn’t my mother to tell me that they’ve felt the same way, and it gets easier. Maybe it doesn’t get easier, but hopefully one day, I can accept Carl.