My name's Arabella, and I'm finally 18 years old. I've been waiting for this forever, this means that I can now go on and do whatever the hell I want. I mean, tattoos, piercings, you know, all that jazz. I love that kind of stuff, but sadly my parents don't. I'm from New York City, making something as small as tattoos and piercings a norm. Now that I'm 18, I can go ahead and get some of those and not feel as much regret as I would have, had I done this crap at 16 or 17. Speaking of which, I was on my way to get my first tattoo until my friend, Malia, said she couldn't make it. I was cool with that, guess I would just do this, lone wolf style. So, skip ahead of time and here I am, at this place, about to go under this needle for the very first time. My nerves were playing it cool until the piercer was inches away from my skin, they were all over the place, making me lose my cool until I looked over and saw him.