I've been out of Japan for about 3 years now. I hate change...My father decided my 2nd year at Teiko Middle school, my favorite middle school, that we were going to move to (Random country). I had to leave behind all my friends, Kuroko Tetsuya, Aomine Daiki, Kise Ryota, Murisakibara Atsushi, Midorima Shintaro, and Akashi Seijuro. They were the only 6 to accept me. Back then it was a big deal because back in Teiko I was an obese and obnoxious child. I was 5'2" and roughly 200 lb, and yet they still talked to me and made friends with me. Like I said before, it's been about 3 years since I've seen any of them and now I stand at 5'7" and weigh 133 (I'm only so heavy because of my 38 C-cup boobs!)
Now that I've told you my life story I wanted to tell you that today is a glorious day because I return hom, i return to Tokyo, Japan.
"Hyi helvetti tääl haisee"
"Väitäks ettet ite hikoile"
Vilma harrastaa taitoluistelua, kuitenkin isän työn perässä joutuu Vilma muuttamaan Lahteen Turusta joka tarkoittaa uutta koulua, luisteluseuraa ja ihmisiä.
-Tarina saattaa sisältää kiroilua ja härskiä kielenkäyttöä, päihteitä sekä väkivaltaa joten lukeminen omalla vastuulla!
-Kaikki kuvat on pinterestistä tai googlesta, eivät siis ole mun omia!
-Oon saanu inspiraatiota muilta mutta tarina on mun oma, ethän siis kopioi hahmoja tai tarinaa!