"I hate lying to people, fans, the ones I love deeply. So I'm going to tell you about everything, and I mean EVERYTHING," I announce to the HD camera, I bought for this special event. I sighed holding back my tears, my throat burning, my lips shaking "Here it goes."
Coral Luther she has been through some tough crap, but she always manages to put a smile on her face and crack a few jokes here and there, people would softly laugh. She is apart of this REALLY popular girl group called Relentless with her best friends that she loves, like they were her sisters. But her best friend Fletcher lived through all her pain, she was by Coral's side no matter what plans she had. Fletcher has slipped up a few times, but only their bandmates and management knows of course. They have tried to keep both their past a secret successfully, until, Coral's first love, surprises her on her birthday, the first day of their tour. The fans started to get investigating, or may I like to say stalking. Management had one job and they did it right. All the girls had been fans of One Direction for the longest, she wasn't the obsessive kind though. Well what happened was.
"Do you have any celebrity crushes?" Ellen read from the list of questions she gathered from fans, the crowd starts ooing. "Coral?" she questions, probably because I was the closest one to her, I push my hair out of my face. "I mean obviously," I brag doing a half a hairflip, the crowd laughing. I honestly I didn't know what to say to this question. "Oh I know," Fletcher raises her hand, my heartbeat starts ramming at my chest. I snap my head at Fletcher " NO! Please no!
"Harry!" a fan from the crowd said and now I wish they didn't because they were absolutely correct, My eyes widened and my mouth fell to the floor, that was absolutely correct but so glad I didn't have to say that. Everyone was laughing, screaming everyone was and I just sat on the couch my hands covering my face, hoping no one would see my red face.
SEASON 1 - 6
crownsmist, 2022
cover by @norasnetflix
spanish & french translations are in my reading lists!