Park Sara is a girl who is almost invisible to her school mates. She goes to school with the three most popular guys, Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol from different social statuses, all of them who are sons and daughter of the richest CEO's in Korea.
Character Description:
Park Sara is an almost invisible girl who always has her head in a book in school. She loves dancing, but keeps her talent a secret. Nobody knows she comes from one of the richest families in Korea, but she choses to keep it a secret because she doesn't want attention.
Kai is handsome and popular at their school, everyone knows who he is and knows about his family background. Every girl in school loves him, as he is the best dancer in the school. His best friends are Sehun and Chanyeol.
Sehun is the charming and kind guy at their school. He is extremely humble, even though he comes from a rich family. All the girls love him because of his kind heart.
Chanyeol is the funny approachable guy. He loves to make jokes and can cheer anyone up when they're feeling down. He's very nice and makes friends with anyone very easily.
Rachel is the mean popular girl in the story, she's also Kai's girlfriend. She is manipulative, two faced and often feels threatened by other girls who like Kai. She also claims she comes from a rich family and is not very liked by Sehun or Chanyeol as they believe she is hiding something.
Minor Characters:
Kim Kay-Lee is a kinda, soft hearted girl who is also Rachels 'best friend'. She's always had a crush on Kai, but has never told anyone because Rachel would kill her. She is very quite and obeys Rachel, even though she has her own mind.