In the world of Terra, there were three factions. The Fortis, the strong, the Scitus, the clever, and the Captiosus, the intelligent. They were each divided by three walls, intersecting in the middle. The man that had created these walls, started out with no power. But he had an idea. If he had followers. Wallists, if you will, he could create the walls to allow havoc to spread. He 'recruited' residents of Terra to build the walls and separate the world. They built the walls over a period of thirteen years, and gained more followers as time went on. After the walls were complete, he kept all houses and residents where they were. Residents were all forbidden to cross the walls. The residents of the three sections then created factions on their own. The Fortis, the strong, the Scitus, the clever, and the Captiosus, the intelligent. Former friends, Avidia, Cario, and Tycho, were each from different factions. Avidia from Fortis, Cario from Scitus, and Tycho from Captiosus. They were each seven when they first met. It was fifteen years since they had seen each other. They had planned to escape the walls when they could still talk to each other. Two years after construction began. They had all remembered on Septembres tenth, 98531 they would escape. At 21:48, they would climb the walls using the stolen Maneuvering Gear from the barracks. They were there for when hell would break loose, because it would. Everyone knew it. They were already running from the police in each of their sections, so it would never matter. They just wanted to leave. Before Terra, the once lush green planet, turned into a fiery hell. They didn't know what was out there. But they did know, that they were unstoppable. Well, they thought so, anyway. They're going to die. (A lot of this story is English words in Latin, so if there's an odd word, that's why)All Rights Reserved
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