For @DestinyGirlz 's KnB Shorty Contest Prompt! Prompt: A character is stuck within another dimension and to help him/ herfind a way out is ((canon character of your choice)). The two traverse the strange world until they find a way back to the real world. I was actually going to write something like this for @black-talia-rose 's birthday too! So happy early birthday, Talia-chan! . . 3015; the world is a different place, everything is to be uniform and those who deviate are to be punished. It's a three strikes and you're out kind of thing, but where exactly do they go? And when will those who are subjected to punishment for deviation return? . . NOTE: This is a oneshot for The Shorty Competitions! The user who runs said competitions is @DestinyGirlz! This is also my birthday gift for @black-talia-rose This oneshot will contain MidoTaka, with a genderbent Takao This will have a vague Sword Art Online AU There WILL be swearing There will be KagaKuro in it I hope you guys enjoy it ((What would have gone in this box is in the book called 'Description/Summary Box")) The cover was made by @RappingLikeMonster and I love it!All Rights Reserved