Felix(A.K.A Pewdiepie) gets cheated on by Marzia(A.K.A CutiePieMarzia) But Marzia had uploaded a video about how Felix cheated on her. Now Mark on the other had may seem to have the best life and yeah he was...untill he called Felix after the video because he was shocked. Once Mark and Felix had talked Mark was angry about the fact the marzia lied and blamed Felix for something he didn't do. What you don't know about Mark is that he has anger issues and multiple personality disorder which means he'll be nice and caring at first but you say something to piss him off hes completly Dark. Anyway his Multiple Personality got physical. that means his Sides could take over him with Physical changes He'd look different, His skin would look different with one of his 'sides', clothing, hair, eyes. Felix also had multiple personality or one. This one was able to go threw technology, Lets just say he's kinda like a...Virus.