Ah, the 1970's. People had a new perspective on life itself, and it was apparent through everything they had. This is a decade where funk and disco music, Afros, bell bottoms, and psychedelic patterns were the newest, hottest trends. However, the best part, as some would agree, was the music, for that was the year the marvelous, marvelous Jackson 5 finally made a statement.
1970 is a huge hear for the Jackson 5. Record sales skyrocket, Jacksonmania sweeps the globe, "I'll Be There" is released, and the boys get a real taste of the popularity they will have for the rest of their life - especially Michael.
However, the Jacksons harbor a very special, very important secret, one that cannot even be explained by themselves. On top of this, the secret affects only Michael and the keyboardist, leaving no-one else to even be able to comprehend the intense outlandishness of their "issue". Worst of all, it appears as though the problem only grows stronger with each passing month.
What could this mean for the Jackson 5? With their name already out and their fame rising every second, troubles will certainly arise at one point or another. When? No-one knows. Their problem is nearly as surprising and unpredictable as growing up can be. One thing everyone does know, however, is that they have got to push aside all their feelings, doubts, worries, and troubles for everyone's sake.
With that struggle, comes insecurity. Kayla can already see it rooting within Michael. In the most subtle of ways, he becomes slightly more reserved, more introspective, and more bashful. While it seems as though no-one else notices, Kayla is certainly taking note of his hardly recognizable change in personality. In turn, this fuels worry within her.
How will things turn out for the duo? Well, you'll have to read "1970" to figure that out.
1965: http://www.wattpad.com/story/18851689-book-1-1965-michael-jackson
1969: http://www.wattpad.com/story/31631006
Mostly historically accurate.
... Yes. It's book 2.
I decided to go on with a sequel to '1965'. This is gonna be a heck of a long series.
But exciting things are happening within the world of Kayla and Michael. In the year of 1966, several exciting events occur: new semester, new school year, birthdays, Janet on the way, and, of course... decisions, decisions, decisions.
Will Kayla and Michael survive through the year of 1966? Or will they crumble apart and ultimately fail the mission?
I will say that this story will make a lot more sense if you read '1965' first. I'll leave a link: http://www.wattpad.com/story/18851689-book-1-1965-a-michael-jackson-story
Information I have based on Michael's life:
Katherine Jackson's book, 'My Family': http://jetzi-mjvideo.com/books-jetzi-04/kj/kj01.html
Michael Jackson's Autobiography, 'Moonwalk' (excerpt from Amazon.com)
Website: AllForLoveBlog Link: http://www.allforloveblog.com/
Website: truemichaeljackson.com Link: http://www.truemichaeljackson.com/
Website: allmichaeljackson.com Link: http://www.allmichaeljackson.com/era/jackson5/
Rated PG-13.
A BOLD asterisk at the top of a chapter means that there is real historical information within... :)
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