This piece is fictional but in part a true story, it's taken from bits of conversations I've had with various friends, and my best friend. I just think that people nowerdays are so cynical of the idea of love as a subject and all that it brings, some people believe they are incapable of it for some reason or another, or have been led to feel this way through their own experiences, but where ever I can I like to tell people that it is possible, not change their mind, but at least make them see that it could happen, if only they let it. So as it is so close to Valentines Day I thought it apt to write a piece about it I know that so many people feel like this and I'd like to think that everyone somewhere has someone they can open up to. Even though it's not true all of the time I just wanted to write something truthful and stripped back, no dramatic fighting or screaming or people with powers or anything of that kind, just two people, two bestfriends talking about their lives. Realising the journey they've gone on together and sometimes alone Written by me ShelleyAnderson Please do not steal it, it's really quite personal and means a lot to meAll Rights Reserved