Summer and Corey are now married. They are living in a quaint apartment and with their four-year old son River. Since then, Corey has finished film school and he has been looking for roles. He's done movies such as License To Drive and Dream A Little Dream. He hasn't had a role since then. But, he get's lucky with a role playing Chris Cradler in a movie called "Blown Away", and his co-star is the beautiful Nicole Eggert.
Soon Corey starts acting weird, and spending late nights "working". This starts to worry Summer, and she questions Corey about it, however, he denies anything is going on. But, she is left alone at home by herself most of the time with River, and doesn't have time for herself. She wants to go to work, and hasn't been able to, and she feels like she's in this marriage alone. Plus, River starts to question where Daddy is and Summer doesn't know what to say to her four-year old.
One night, when Corey comes home from work he freaks out on Summer, and it causes her to question their marriage. Summer worries that drugs are involved, and is responsible for Corey's irrational behavior. Soon, Summer finds something out, and it could potentially ruin their marriage.
Can Summer and Corey salvage their relationship? Will whatever Corey is doing be so bad that Summer leaves forever?
Coming Soon...
When Elizabeth Brayten and her family visit Florida to meet her Mom's parents, and to see where her mother grew up, she will be faced with many challenges. Between finding who she is and trying to find out who she will become, she meets people who could change her life for the better, or ruin it. Following her in her story, will she overcome theoretic mountains over her summer long vacation, or will her whole summer be a waste? Will her life change drastically or will she start high school the same person that left 8th grade in June?
Back at Grandma and Granddads, I walk to my room and slam the door. I want to be alone, but something inside of me wants to be alone with James, which doesn’t make sense, because one’ I don’t like James more than a friend, do I? And two; I wouldn’t be alone if he were here.