Psychopaths know that the best way to exploit emphatic people is take advantage of our natural desire to help and care for others. They do this by orchestrating not one, but many, pity plays.
They fabricate illness; they describe fake injuries; they lie about being the victims of theft, car accidents, and various other disasters; and they lament about how their "crazy" exes broke their hearts -hearts they don't actually have.
They deliberately spin their tales of woe, in order to cement the psychopathic bond that they've created by love bombing and flattering us. They use pity plays to portray a façade of real humanity and emotional depth. They pretend to be good people going through rough times and this is how they are able to manipulate anyone who is kind and loving. So BEWARE of the "Pour Me" routine. As Martha Stout writes: "The most reliable sign, the most universal behavior, of unscrupulous people is not directed, as one might imagine, at our fearlessness".