*This novel serves as the 5th novel of Phase 3 and a sequel to "Coldsnap: Storm's Call".*
"The Dark Inquisitor decrees it; the Elemental Realms are at an end! Now, watch as your pitiful dimension which has endured for eons.....crumbles to DUST!" -Shade
After multiple successful adventures with the Paragons, the Mage Aspect superheroine Coldsnap continues to rule over the Ice Sect of the Elemental Realms with a perfect mixture of respect and discipline. However, the icy icon may be about to face her greatest challenge yet.
The Ascendant, the "god" of the Mage Aspects, has gone missing. In his absence, the Elemental Realms' protection against most external threats has started to wane. Elsewhere, in deep space, a plot is underway to invade the Elemental Realms and eradicate the Mage Aspects entirely, orchestrated by none other than Dark Inquisitor Lizala of the Cosmic Armada, a ruthless intergalactic conqueror intent on adding Earth to her growing list of sundered worlds.....and in order to do that, she intends to wipe out a major category of Earth's defenders-the Mage Aspects-in preparation.
With the fate of the Realms themselves now hanging in the balance, Coldsnap must team up with her girlfriend Keena, her good friends Firebird and Geode, and Geode's father Sledge-the sole surviving member of the original Mage Aspect leaders-to find The Ascendant and protect the dimension from Lizala's imminent incursion.....and failure could mean the end of the Realms as we know it.
• Cover designed by @Castiment