What is your definition of being treated like shit? All because of the extra curves that is getting on people's nerves. Literally having your head flushed down the toilet is not really the highlight of anyone's week. Just because of those abs you have under your sexy flabs. Or being punched in the face multiple times because your hot girlfriend told you to. Due to the fact that some people just cannot handle so much junk in the trunk. Or even bringing back the cliché of being locked up in lockers multiple times a day. What about the part where you are probably the second richest person on the planet. Enter Jessica Elizabeth Stevens. Better known as "Look at that fat piece of shit walking through the hallway" If your parents ditched you in the middle of Miami without any money, your situation still would not be as half as bad as Jessica's. All because of a little bitch. But what the hell. She is rich. So she could just go get liposuction Or just buy the entire country. Right? Right? Wrong. Her family loves her and her teacher adores her but, this little bitch who obviously forgot to rip out her dry tampon out of her fucking vagina this morning hates her. This little bitch is her worst nightmare all because of the fact that her dad has a bit more money than the rest of the world put together. Then again. She is rich. So where does the revenge part come in? Right around the part where her dad is only the second richest man in the world, her crush is in love with her enemy and the fact that leaving the oven on for too long and was a valid reason for being sent to jail for being 'too fat'. She would lose some weight but the only thing she has been losing is her chances with her crush. The person who said money can't buy you happiness has never been to McDonalds. Maybe it was about time some things were changed. Copyright © 2014. All rights reserved. A little bit of a cliché but after all, that is my username :)All Rights Reserved