Layla-Lauren is an ordinary 16 year old teenage girl, living with her parents as an only child in London City, rough past she'd rather bury and cover to be forgotten about.. Layla has always had a difficult time fitting in with her surroundings, bullied and unwanted whilst making her life a living disaster, but Layla has a secret!,.. a few years back during summer, she felt she couldn't hold on any longer, she heard the older years talk about the you-tubing life, within a few months Layla was a you-tuber! within a month she reached 1000 subscribers! She got better for a short while, cuts turned into scars, scars turned into the past.
....Summer ended.. back to school.. bullies.. loneliness.. cuts re-appearing.. the new Layla wasn't here to stay.. her you-tube channel was leaked out within the whole school.. Layla gets worse, broken so much will anyone be able to fix her?
Who was to know that maybe a certain band member named Louis Tomlinson was watching her since the beginning!! Will thy become friends? or maybe something more? as the days pass Layla faces pain, losses, emotional stages and heartbreak! Will anyone be able to fix Layla and let her live the proper life she deserves? will fame and the paparazzi and hate just rip her further apart? so far that she'll eventually let go?
"Bir bilsen ne kadar zamandır şunun hayalini kurduğumu." Şakağıma doğru bir öpücük daha kondurdu. "Seni doyasıya öpüp koklamayı." Ardından yanağıma indi öpücükleri. "Geldin ve beni dünyanın en mutlu adamı yaptın." Dudağımdan da öpüp alınlarımızı birbirine yasladı. "Seni çok seviyorum. Seni senden çok seviyorum."
Bu kez ben dudaklarına ufak bir öpücük bırakıp ayrıldım. "Seni çok seviyorum. En az beni sevdiğin kadar seviyorum seni." Kollarımı boynuna dolayıp yüzümü boynuna gömdüm. Kokusunu içime çektim.
Çok özlemiştim.