A normal student, Yuki Aomi Juezen (yuzen) also known as Yumi, like those students who just want to survive the terror life as a high school student. She spends her days peacefully with her super-popular-with-boys, yet heart-breaker childhood friend, Ynna. In a class project for the upcoming foundation day of Limondie high school, a lot of things happened that she did not expect. Ynna, her bestfriend quit the play and Yuki was in turn forced to replace her role. Later identified and admired and gradually changed the trend of being a simple and timid girl. But a lot of things come to test the life of Yuki, she tries to battle with life alone, thinking about the people surrounds her. Yuki is afraid of two things; the fear of have to do with losing and have to do with not being good enough for something. Find out what will now happen to Yuki by reading this story.