Some Guards Are Different
22 частин Завершена історія "Tobias go in the hallway, ill deal with him."i say, he nods and steps back in the hallway, i take a deep breath and open the door, Marcus stands there, when he sees me he has the look of shock and anger on his face. Why?
"Who are you, and why are you at my sons house?"he asks,
"None of your buisness, and why are you here?"i ask in a snotty tone, i already dont like him.
"This is my sons house. I have a right to come here."he says getting red,
"Sir, im gonna have to ask you to leave, i have the right by the law to kick you out of Tobias Eatons house."I say pushing him back on the porch,
"How do you have the right?"He asks raising his voice, i take my badge out and show him,
"Im Tris Prior, 1st Class Dauntless Guard. I suggest you leave."i say, pushing him off the porch, and
shutting and locking the door, as soon as i turn around, Tobias comes up and burries his face in my neck giving me a big bear hug, i laugh and hug him back.