[WARNING] [This story was not written by me] [Storyline by: Unahim ] [*!WARNING!*] [Storyline is very gory and not suitable for kids] Cheerilee is facing a problem that probably many teachers have in their careers. Her students are acting up and not paying attention in class, and whatever they do pay attention to just isn't sinking in. Cheerilee has tried and tried again to teach this restless bunch, but everything she's tried so far has failed. Cheerilee is at her wits' end. She feels worthless as a teacher and, thanks to her students' inability to learn, is on the verge of a mid-life crisis. Her whole life, sanity included, is crumbling. She doesn't reach out for help from fellow teachers, nor does she see a therapist. She finds a different, not much better solution. Read more: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/CheerileesGarden#ixzz3dRlmTHG9