Loneliness // Thomas Sangster //
24 chapitres Terminé Contenu pour adultesLonely. That's what she was. See, she left her best friend in high school. They met in their first year of high school, she slowly fell in love with him but instead of admitting her feelings she pushed him away, she told him they should stop hanging out, he reluctantly agreed and told her that if that would make her happy then they would stop hanging out, little did he know is that not long after that she fell into a depression, locked herself in her bedroom for months on end, refused to eat properly, became suicidal, began harming herself and was anything but happy. She dropped out of school at the age of fifteen and began studying at home or at the local library to get to University. That worked out for her, she changed her looks and everything else about herself just so she'd feel better about herself during the four years she had at home, she slowly began eating properly again, she overcame her depression and she got into university with flying colours. She is even currently two months clean of self harm. But could her walls come caving in when she meets him again? Will he recognise her despite her change of appearance? Will seeing him again bring old feelings back up? And most importantly, is there a way back for the two of them or will they have to start all over again? Could it be a cycle of strangers, to best friends, to nothing all over again? Hit that read button to find out.
Enjoy guyssss ?