Hi i am Arien i found a note on a priceless photo that was pasted though my family for generations but never to me.My mom is very sick but i am thinking that that's why i didn't get it. My dad seems to be very worried about her but he won't tell me why. I once asked him about the picture but he said he need to get to the hospital to check on my mom. I never mentioned her name but it is Alena, my parent wanted to mix her name into mine so she was ok if she just had it start with an a mainly because she couldn't find one that was perfect for me. I am not aloud to see my mom often but i can once a month. I never asked why but my dad is quite separatted from me so i don't ask him. One day when i was cleaning my closet i found a sealed envelope and i decided to open it,All Rights Reserved
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